What is an ESG ranking?


 ESG ranking is a way of measuring how environmentally and socially responsible a company is. It looks at things like how much the company recycles, how it manages its energy use, and how it treats its employees and customers.

This information can be helpful for investors who want to make sure their money is going into companies that are doing good in the world. ESG ranking also takes into account how a company is preparing for the future, like whether it is investing in renewable energy or sustainable practices.

ESG ranking Agencies

Some of the biggest rating agencies that do ESG rankings are MSCI, Sustainalytics, and Trucost. They each have their own scoring system, so it’s important to compare them when looking at a company’s ranking. You can also find ESG rankings on websites like Forbes and Eco-Investor.

Reasons why ESG rankings are important

ESG rankings are important because they help investors identify companies with strong environmental, social, and governance practices. By investing in companies that have strong ESG policies, investors can help promote sustainable and responsible business practices.

Following are the 8 reasons why ESG rankings are important:

  1. ESG rankings can help investors identify companies with strong environmental, social, and governance practices.
  2. ESG rankings can help investors make more informed investment decisions.
  3. ESG rankings can help investors identify companies that are leaders in sustainability.
  4. ESG rankings can help investors avoid companies with poor environmental, social, and governance practices.
  5. ESG rankings can help investors identify companies with high-quality ESG policies.
  6. ESG rankings can help investors identify companies with strong risk management practices.
  7. ESG rankings can help investors identify companies that are committed to sustainable development.
  8. ESG rankings can help investors identify undervalued companies with high-quality ESG policies.

Ways to invest

There are a few different ways to invest in companies that have high ESG rankings. One is called “socially responsible investing,” or SRI. This is when you deliberately invest in companies that have a positive social and environmental impact. There are also funds that only invest in sustainable companies, called “green funds.”

So if you’re looking to make sure your money is doing good in the world, consider investing in companies with high ESG rankings!


Investors who are looking to promote sustainable and responsible business practices should definitely pay attention to ESG rankings. By investing in companies that have strong ESG policies, investors can help promote sustainable and responsible business practices.

Additionally, ESG rankings can be a valuable tool for corporate boards and management teams. By understanding how their company ranks relative to its peers, they can identify areas where they may need to make improvements. This can help businesses become more sustainable and socially responsible while also improving their bottom line.