Why is decarbonization important?


What is decarbonization?

The removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is referred to as “decarbonization.” Carbon dioxide captured from the atmosphere through planting trees, lowering fossil fuel use, and utilizing renewable energy resources is a good start. Trees are a highly efficient carbon dioxide removal tool, and they’re frequently utilized in decarbonization efforts.

According to the World Economic Forum, the only way to avoid climate catastrophe is to fully decarbonize our energy systems.

The global need for decarbonization

We are already falling behind targets established in 2015 and our existing policies, in the best-case scenario, would result in a temperature rise of 2.1°C and, in the worst-case scenario, 3.9°C.

This is a frightening situation. To put it in context, the global average temperature was 2°C warmer the last time and the typical sea level was over 6 meters higher than today.

A 3°C rise in global temperatures (the current average we’re on track for if we don’t change our habits) would cause cities like Miami, Shanghai, Osaka, or Rio de Janeiro to submerge. Additionally, a total of 275 million people worldwide would need to relocate and escape the flood.

Decarbonization is seen as an important effort in the fight against climate change, as it can help to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and mitigate the effects of global warming. Additionally, decarbonization can have a number of co-benefits, such as improved air quality and reduced water pollution.


There are a number of different ways to approach decarbonization, and no one-size-fits-all solution exists. Countries and organizations must tailor their strategies to their unique circumstances.

Many experts believe that a successful decarbonization effort will require a mix of different approaches, including increased energy efficiency, greater use of renewable energy, carbon capture and storage, and changes in land use.

Wanna know about how decarbonization can change the world just CLICK HERE