The Challenges To Decarbonization


With respect to the decarbonization of the energy sector, things are not as good as they should be. We see the need for a transition away from an economy in which energy production is inexpensive and plentiful, and toward one that is environmentally sustainable and socially viable.

The present global scenario

From the energy crises of the previous century, we learned that when energy costs rise, per capita usage drops, whereas energy system efficiency and innovation in scientists improve.

Since we need these three effects (among others) to decarbonize the energy sector, we infer that energy will become more expensive in the future without causing world political upheaval.

One of the most effective methods for going in the correct direction is to impose a carbon tax. In order to achieve a socially just worldwide transition, energy prices must be affordable for the majority of people through the redistribution of the major portion of the tax within the country.

We are compelled to combine environmental sustainability and social justice while staying inside the social and planetary boundaries, since providing “clean and inexpensive” energy for all compels us to combine environmental sustainability and social justice.

The challenges that lay ahead

The amount required for investment and the creation of new infrastructures is extremely high. Other than climate change, governments must tackle numerous issues related to health insurance, pay-as-you-go pensions, educational improvements, and so on. The required investments in the energy sector will not be very lucrative at first. The current pandemic and the worldwide debt of almost all countries underscore how crucial this statement is.

The energy industries described above will compete for decarbonization alternatives that are accessible today, and priorities must be established.

Environmental standards are frequently contradictory.

Weakened political will, lobbying efforts, populism, and corruption frequently prevent the achievement of required measures or cause a setback in decarbonization progress.

The planet’s inhabitants are not yet ready for the substantial adjustments in energy consumption and behavior that are required. It is quite tough for the vast majority of people to adapt to a new way of life and give up some comfort they enjoy as a result of cheap energy costs. 

The decarbonization of the atmosphere will take many decades, if not generations. However, the corona incident’s learnings may assist humanity in more readily accepting some of the required changes after the epidemic has run its course.


However, the following facts are not reasons for giving up. People are at the heart of any successful effort. We must continue and increase all associated efforts on a teaching, research, and political level. 

Furthermore, we must utilize our right to vote and select politicians who will work in the best interests of humanity over time. Finally, we must become more sensitive, attentive, and considerate regarding food and items as well as resources such as energy (electricity and heat) at home and at work, as well as transportation methods. We must modify our behavior and routines. The sooner this happens, the better it will be for the environment.

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